Message From The Principal
Quality is never an accident, nor it comes by chance. It is always the result of continuous and intelligent effort.

Small children are like raw material that can be shaped into whatever product we aim at. The unfortunate part is, we do not care of the raw material, do not take appropriate steps to process it and then repent over badly finished product. Are we, (by ‘we’ I mean parents, teachers and the society at large), concerned about the Man in our children ? While we are greatly concerned about how will they can solve mathematical equations , recite poetry , cram spelling or acquire the latest in the information Technology , shouldn’t we give thought to what of people our children are becoming ?

Children are the future of our country. It is the duty of every teacher, every school and every parent to protect, preserve , strengthen, embolden and sensitize this future. We, at ‘Bright Home’ wish to assure that we are fully aware of this nation building responsibility and are committed to the onerous task of not letting innocent childhood be sacrificed at the alter of mudance success. We are determined to produce enlightened and successful citizens not the mere parrots.

Mr. M. A. Khan